Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Flat Twist Out Results!

In my last inspiration post, I said that I would be posting pics of the flat twist out that I've been wearing for the past two weeks.  For those of you who don't know what a flat twist out is, it's a method similar to cornrowing (with twists instead of braids) that can be used to give your hair a curly look.  As I mentioned before, this is a great way to achieve big curly hair with little effort.  I like to do my twist outs on stretched or blow dried hair because I enjoy the results much better when my hair is straighter before I style it.  I can't say that this is my best twist out, but I will say that no matter how different my hair turns out when I do this style, I always love it.  Take a look...

ft 092011 1
This is day one of the twist out.  I apologize for the pic quality.  These pics were taken with a camera phone.
ft 092011 2
Here is a more detailed look at the curls.  Again, the camera does not do my curls justice.
ft 092011 3
Here is the back.
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This is also day one after my hair has fallen a bit. 
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This is at the end of week two.  I did not re-twist my hair the night before. 

I did have to re-twist my hair most nights to maintain this style, but you can definitely skip a night here and there and use the pineappling technique that I showed in my Twist Out Results post.  Yes, you will loose some definition, but it gets bigger and looks just as good.  If you do use the pineappling technique, you should use a tighter headwrap at night, such as a do-rag to better preserve the curls and minimize frizz. Great for the weekend when you get in too late to feel like twisting up a head of hair.  Also, when taking out the flat twists, I usually do not separate the pieces of hair because it makes it easier to put the twists back in at night.  However, if you like your hair bigger, you should separate the pieces for a more dramatic look.  I learned this technique from Curly Chronicles' YouTube Tutorial  and I love this style. So, please check out her videos if you're interested in trying the flat twist out.

I'll probably post a few pics later today of some of my older flat twist outs just to give you an idea of how it may turn out for you.  Results may change depending on the amount and type of products used as well as your hair texture.

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